Smart Buildings Power Hour: BIM and Digital Twin

By Marcella Walsh
Content Manager

BIM and Digital Twin were the topics for our May Smart Buildings Power Hour. Our panel – Craig Backman of ThoughtWire, Dr. Ken Dooley of Haltian, and Dr. Claire Penny of Invicara –provided insights to the moderator, Bob Snyder of Channel Media.

  • Digital Twin takes the as-built model, layers a continuous flow of sensor data over it, and produces value-generating analytics
  • The future of BIM is about creating a connection
  • BIM and Digital Twin are relatively new fields with lots of opportunities

Watch the full webinar here: Smart Buildings Power Hour: BIM and Digital Twin


Marcella Walsh
AVIXA, Content Manager

With over 15 years of experience in marketing and communications, Marcella Walsh, Content Manager for AVIXA, develops both in-person and digital programs. She is always looking for new content ideas that highlight topics and trends of importance to the AV industry. Contact Marcella at [email protected] with your thoughts.